Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sywal 123

woow, so long didn't update looh, its pretty big holiday.
too enjoy, and no STUDY!
after this holiday, we gotta get back with EXCEL. hell.

raya raya raya.
i wear in "Baju Kurung", but there's no picture of it.
just a few, they will upload fer me l8.
this 2days, didn't back home, and stay friend's house.
first time dad allow me to stay outside with friend, not include grandma house.
(maybe sometime i try to hide,) but dad ily. <333
wuuuh, i love my Barbie Group. so adorable.

finally i watch all the newest Bleach234 episode.
waiting the anime, kinda gotta find mangga fer it, best story. espadaespadaespada

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

shirley 16

shirley! hope we still being the best friend forever.
no one is forgetten you, even some of them didnt come to the party, but their spirit was there gether to bless you a
very Sweet 16. weird we wearing the same bra style. haha
We don't need a guuys now, we have another bundle of friend out there. will never get bored together with us.

Perhaps you enjoy this night and farewell party for Mr Chollang and Miss Pang.
got favourite choco and Yam cake.
all of us wear in WHITE, but some of them did not. ==
perhaps get a design for our class'shirt soon.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

07 - 08 Sept

get last warning from sir. and will be the last chance and No way to failure again.

we join the barner competition, and in our class's coorperation, we did finish it in whole evening.
last photo snaped :

and today, i forgive Shirley's apologize, thanks god that she realise what she did before to me. with the same situation she had, and she knew what the loneliness i had before.
along this childhood, I don't have any truth friend,so i get time to lonely. Without MONEY$$$ no one will shake my hand and bring me out.
SO now, i hope she is getting mature to think that way, to celebrate his Sweet 16 tomorrow.

this afternoon, we operate frogs struture, kindaa weird, but true small organ inside help us to breath,regulate, everything daily life we do, wonder what inside the human structure look like animal too?! lol
how amazing it. haha
and we give a special GRAVE for our Froggy.
i love this class, and i should getting on to the real life.don't wish to kick out of this class, the amongest the best.
Pressure push you up, handle it with your own hand.

have no idea to my ACER CPU, what the hack of hardware wrong in it.
perhaps with this i can fix my mind to focus on my study.

i wishes to have new phone, intro me some modal leeh..

Friday, September 4, 2009


It hurts to know that you'll never remember the things all never forget."

You hate the feeling of your ex forgetting about you. You still remember all your precious moments together that will never leave. You know it's time to move on but a part of you still wants to hang on.

Your perspective of the world remains simple. You have a good life, you lead a good life. All is good. You don't like to delve into complicated matters for it might complicate with your daily ritual routines. All I can say is that you like being happy.

Destination "Mongolia"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


刚下午, 去庙堂拜拜---拜祖先。

可怜的小羊被关起来, 不久就要把它宰----拜天公吧!


希望早点可以拥有新电话, 但也没人会传我信息, 真无聊, 面对电脑24小时更加闲。
或许camera digital 更好!
无所谓,去做功课先-- 下回再写。
