Monday, July 27, 2009

South Park




Terrance: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're a cock sucking ass licking uncle fucka You're an uncle fucka, yes its true Nobody fucks uncles quite like you

Phillip: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka You dont eat or sleep or mow the lawn, You just fuck your uncle all day long (rhythmic farting noises)

Phillip: Hmm! (rhythmic farting noises) (laughing) (rhythmic farting noises)
Some Guy: What's going on here? (rhythmic farting noises) Some Woman: What garbage!

Some Other Guy: Well, what do you expect? They're Canadian.fucker fucker uncle fucka uncle fucka fucka fucka fucka T&P: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka You're a boner biting bastard uncle fucka
Terrance: You're an uncle fucka I must say Phillip: Why you fucked your uncle yesterday Everyone: (laughing) People: Uncle fucka... that's

Everyone: U-N-C-L-E FUCK YOU! Uncle Fuckkaaah!!! hhooo-ha!

Phillip: Suck my balls!

2ND : It's Easy Mmmkay Lyrics

Mr. Mackey: There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alchohol and sex with women But its when you do these things too much That you've become an addict and must get back in touch You can do it Its all up to you -mmmmmkay With a little plan you can change your life tooo-day You dont have to spend your life addicted to smack Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for crack Follow my plan and very soon you will see-eeyy, its easy mmkay Step 1: Instead of ass say buns, like "kiss my buns" or "you're a buns hole"

Step 2: Instead of shit say poo,as in "bull poo","poo head" and this "poo is cold"

Step 3: With bitch drop the t because bich is latin for generosity

Step 4: Dont say fuck any more because fuck is the worst word that you can say So just use the word mmmkay! Children: We can do it its all up to us-mmmkay (mmmkay) With a little plan we can change our lives tooo-day

Mr, Mackey: you can change it today
Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash Follow this plan and very soon you will see-eey Its easy mmkay!

Mr. Mackey:Step 1 Children:
Instead of ass say buns, like kiss my buns or you're a buns hole

Mr. Mackey: Step 2 Children: Instead of shit say poo, as in bull poo,poo head and this poo is cold

Mr. Mackey: Step 3 Children:

With bitch drop the t because bich is latin for generosity

Mr. Mackey: Step 4 Children:
Dont say fuck any more
Everyone: Cuz fuck is the worst word that you can say

Children: Fuck is the worst word that you can say We shouldn't say fuck, no we shouldn't say fuck, fuck nooooo!!!

Mr. Mackey: Your cured, you can go!

Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash Follow this plan and very soon you will saaay Its easy mmmkay!

Children: It's easy mmmkay! Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmmkay!

Children: It's easy mmmkay! Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmmkaaaaaaaayy!!

Children: It's easy mmm It's easy mmm It's easy mmmkaaaay (both finish at same time) (laughing)
Mr. Mackey: Mmmkay Mmmkay

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


20 July 2009 :
duuh, my hand. suffer to repeat the 1000 of sentence in a day.Remove Formatting from selection
but, im just finish about 500, and past up, i will send another half tomorrow,
hope sir accept my work. T_T
and other also include, they just do hundred, and our?
nonono, extra ZERO, so meant i gve Sir a EGG right?


we really make Sir mad exactly late from early year till now,
its also our fool, but we try to be perfect already,
your word really stick in my mind,
lead us to the excellent.
Hopely I can do other subject like physic do, the way we get note, exersice and quiz is bestest way to memorize the theory.
perhaps i'm strat to reading some to increase my langugue, i won't my 3 main langugue fall out there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Seminar Penganasan Terhadap Wanita

PDRM > Polis DiRaja Malaysia
merupakan peguam yang sangat baik, dan memberikan seminar di Dewan Masyarakat pada 14 July.
Seminar terkandung :

  • Penggunaan fizikal dgn tujuan menederakan,memusnahkan dan mendera
  • Perbuatan / perbuatan penuduhan yang ganas
  • Penyalahguna dan ketidakadilan menggunakan kuasa
Dikategorikan kepada
  • Penderaan Psiologi dan emosi
  • Penderaan fizikal
  • Penderaan seksual
  • Penderaan sosial
  • Penderaan kewangan
What do girl think what was mean marry?
What will happen to if a guys is getting bored to you, can find another else? and punch you over the wall?
KITA SAMAN DORANG!! GUNA SEKSYEN 4A Akta Perempuan Bersuami (Pindaan) 1997
Suami isteri berhak menyaman bagi tort kecederaan diri. klo mo cerai senang cerita, bagi2 harta bh!

Quotes :
is the marriage certificate
a license to harass the wife

  1. perlakuan, tindak tanduk dan tanggapan individu dan msyrkt \
  2. terhasil drpd proses sosialisasi
  3. mebezakan peranan, tanggungjawab, pengagihan kuasa, pengagihan sumber-sumber dan hak-hak di antara lelaki dan wanita
  4. boleh diubah melalui proses sosialiasi dan tindakan afirmatif

Kepekaan gender :
keupayaan individu & msyrkt bgi memahamid dan mengenai keperluan dan kehendak berbeza antara wanita& lelaki dalam memainkan peranan mereka.

Kesaksamman gender sbgai asa membasmi keganasan runah tangga :
  • suami adalah perlindungan kpd isteri dan mentadbir rumah tangga dgn hikmah serta kebijasanaan bukan emosi &keganasan
  • anak perempuan tidak membawa malang kpd keluarga
  • isteri berhak memenuhi impian perkembangan diri
  • tiada siapa berhak menyiksa mana-mana insan yang lain
  • keganasan kepada wanita adalah jenayah
  • walaupin Islam membenarkan "PUKUL" isteri dalam keadaan isteri Nusyuz, tetapi xdigalakan.
  • terima hakikat dan hargai perbezaan antara suami dan isteri > elak "stereotyping"

Jenayah :
Sebarang perbuatan yang melanggar undang², nilai-nilai moral dan norma.
>berasal dari adat istiadat sesuatu msyrkt & doktrin²

Punca Jenayah :
  • Opportunity
  • criminal Mind
  • Means rea(Niat)
  • actus reus(Tindakan)
  • target
MJ Bovo. M.D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

pbsm camping 2009

yeah, just finish camping. its fuckin tired although this the record reach the lowest one, but very appreciate they joined us.
congrats Angela and olye be our bustiest member, they gave alot of good commitment in any activity.
kinda different as last year activity right? did you guys enjoy? join next year again k.
we count star at night, sing, play,learning to fall together. they are sporting can decided to try learn something new, without "buuya" sound, and they do, no matter how uggy thing, they follow our instruction.
They Are team"YoKO-Yoko".lead by Fc~Nico
terSaDu negia, both hand kna balut ni? so funny their show! but their story kinda same, more creativity marks looh, and displine for malam PBSM
and others aso keep it up, actly i more prefer Team Dettol be d winner, but nevermind.
dun hav picture this time, i didnt have a phone or camera anymore,
maybe some time later laah, T_T
okay, hav to finish my physic work 1st,
damm, NAZIR will visit ou school next day, be relax, its alright. :D

Thursday, July 9, 2009

prepartion for camping

we will held a camping at school, unfortunately
we face alot of problem then again,
in last meeting of teacher,
they say tat can't ever do camping again at Taman Geografi.
who know? what the hell was St.John having cases, lead other to fuck itself.

tommorrow gotta settle those thing :

  • Minit mesyuarat
  • peralatan masak
  • camp
  • Wiring
  • sound system
  • camping spot

ni lagi tiba2 maw p mta kebenaran polis knun mw jaga, we not a child anymore, we can take care ourself, and cures YOU. damnass. paksa la byk surat mw type. nsib got senior in charge, if not, i have no idea to take off myself, or maybe just 1days camping?! hell no! peserta lagi lah, sangat ramai, dan i can count by my own hand finger, you can figure it out?

oh yaa, God, perhaps give us ways to settle these off. Amen. haha.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Karate tournament pendalaman kgau k-2

gosh, took half and 2hour to kgau, muntah2 ne xda mkn lunch, forgot to brang medicine liao. T_T

I met Gee~ esehman! jd couch sda la? kgau actly got 2 Dojo.
ayooh, didnt meet eve and sofia, so dammmiss them at sdkn mmry.
So we Weigh in and get to our hostel.
wuuh~ we got airconditional room, just RM10 per night.

2nd day :
thier pengurusan too slow! till around 10 bru start acara,
1st time la had like this,
tot komitee will 1st, awal2 lgi we use half Gee~
the child didnt hav much getting to semifinal, but youh guys is keeping good, u know la tat tuan rumah de, of coz hav alot of xadil, lek ja looh.
never gaive up yaa team kata, l8 on we try apply your Bonkai.
so glad, fooSeng,Ben&Adam was in 1st round only~ its their 1st match aso can apply their game! keep it up!

then, Rex's friend , Erick took us to get around Keningau,
how different and big liao here, so best ni~!
we get to eat BatKut Teh. and d refree sat next our table, dorg minum! haha! kitai pya refree, apa yg kmu pandang2. ossssh!
haha, i found small Vodka, and decided to bought for dad, screwdriver brand Storm. sadap ka tu?

3rd day :
gossh. im sorry leonnah! gomenne!
when try tatami, i pissed her off, punch his eye without glove, bengkak ne! huu! siouu!!
maybe this, and make her can beat and cross d 1st round! congrate! you did it, and not scare to ur oppenent!
then i met my oppenent and become very very very best friend.
Vera jumps over and hugs me tightly after she beat me off. so sweet~
and Lysandra AKA san2 win d match with 9:4, she win and kiss me, haha, lol. i gave her a glass of milo, like i told them :

"sepa menang dpt milo. haha!"


we took alot of picture,
gotta left this sweet kgau, and goodbye all my sister,
we met again next tour! *hugs~!
keseluruhan is Tenom win. congrate wawa, yun2 and all.
although majority of ranau team player only got Bronze,
we very appriciate this tournament! <3
