Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sywal 123

woow, so long didn't update looh, its pretty big holiday.
too enjoy, and no STUDY!
after this holiday, we gotta get back with EXCEL. hell.

raya raya raya.
i wear in "Baju Kurung", but there's no picture of it.
just a few, they will upload fer me l8.
this 2days, didn't back home, and stay friend's house.
first time dad allow me to stay outside with friend, not include grandma house.
(maybe sometime i try to hide,) but dad ily. <333
wuuuh, i love my Barbie Group. so adorable.

finally i watch all the newest Bleach234 episode.
waiting the anime, kinda gotta find mangga fer it, best story. espadaespadaespada

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