Friday, May 7, 2010


William Shakespeare is Gay?

 We decorating our classroom, and we find out from book of motivation got William poem.
My friend tell me that He was a Gay.
Gossh i cant believe it! SO i find out this :

In yahoo search :
The only indication we have that Shakespeare might have been gay comes from the sonnets. In the early sonnets, Shakespeare writes about his great love, who happens to be a young man. While many people assume this to mean that he had a male lover and thus was either gay or bisexual, there are others who still believe that his male friend was not his lover but someone who was simply very close to him emotionally.

Do you guys believe it?

His sonnet is all about:
pick in :

Sequence & themes of Shakespeare's Sonnets
William Shakespeare's sonnets are stories about a handsome boy, or rival poet, and the mysterious and aloof "dark" lady they both love. The sonnets fall into three clear groupings: Sonnets 1 to 126 are addressed to, or concern, a young man; Sonnets 127-152 are addressed to, or concern, a dark lady (dark in the sense of her hair, her facial features, and her character), and Sonnets 153-154 are fairly free adaptations of two classical Greek poems. The text of these famous William Shakespeare sonnets can be accessed by clicking one of the sonnets links below. The most popular of the William Shakespeare Sonnets are Sonnets 018, 029, 116, 126 and 130.

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